Utilizing installation savings and advanced diagnostics from over 9,000 FOUNDATION Fieldbus and 5,000 HART devices, MRPL saved over $6,000,000 in project cost alone!
Austin, TX, USA (5 September, 2018) — FieldComm Group™ (www.fieldcommgroup.org) announces that Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemical Limited (MRPL), located in Mangalore, India, has been named the FieldComm Group 2018 Plant of the Year. This annual award is presented by FieldComm Group to recognize the people, companies and plant sites around the globe that are using the advanced capabilities of FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus, HART® and WirelessHART® technology in real-time applications for improved operations, maintenance and asset productivity. This is the first time ever that a process facility located in India has been awarded this prestigious award – illustrating India’s, and specifically MRPL’s, growing strength in the world market...
MORE INFO: https://fieldcommgroup.org/posts/press-release-mangalore-refinery-and-petrochemical-limited-mrpl-named-fieldcomm-group-2018